Why do we use worm poop?

Why do we use worm poop?

Jump into the dirty with us! Why do we only use worm castings to enrich our soil? Worm castings equal worm poop. But why is it so beneficial to our farm? Worms take organic matter and break it down by eating it. Then they poop it out. This “living” organic matter helps promote higher populations of microorganisms. So why is that important? It is important because microbiomes in the soil promote plant growth and the health of plants. The microorganisms fight disease, break down organic material, help lessen drought situations, and aerate the soil for plant roots, bulbs, and rhizomes. Not only does it increase the microbiome, but worm castings are also like sponges and help retain water. In our area this is so beneficial since rain can be fickle from season to season. On our farm, we rely on harvested water when it comes to watering our plants. During dry spells, having the worm castings come in clutch. The castings are also neutralizing for the soil. The pH of worm castings are neutral, so they can help you balance soils that are off on the pH scale. The best part of worm castings is the fact they are natural fertilizers. You aren’t pumping chemicals into the food you eat. The microbiome that is created produces nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which most plants need to produce bountiful harvests. Sounds like worm castings are the best thing to happen to a garden/homestead/farm, doesn’t it? We agree, and so does research. This is amazing because exhaustively farming the same areas cause threats to land integrity. It strips the land by erosion, decline in soil fertility, and creates environmental pollution. By using worm castings, you are using sustainable agriculture. We are proud to say we’ve been using worm castings for two years and we won’t go back now! Not only do we use them on our farm, but we sell them to our wonderful customers.

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